Thursday, October 22, 2020

Affordable Breast Cancer Treatments in India

 Many years back, cancer was considered to be incurable. While there are many types of cancers, breast cancer cases have been increasing during this decade. Improper awareness and unnecessary shame are making things worse.

People should be adequately informed about breast cancer and its types. Breast cancer is of two main kinds: In-Situ and Invasive. The in-Situ type does not spread to the adjoining tissues. But the Invasive type spreads to the adjacent tissues as well. 

Different breast cancer treatments:-

  • Surgery: This is removing cancer tissue and some adjacent healthy tissue to ensure complete removal. Another surgery might be necessary for microscopic cancer cells left behind.

  • Radiation therapy: This therapy uses x-rays or other high-energy rays to target and kill the cancer cells.

  • Chemotherapy: Intake of drugs through pills or injection, which shrinks the cancer cells and destroys them.

  • Hormonal therapy: It cuts off the supply of hormones aiding cancer cell growth, resulting in shrunken or dead cancer tissue.

  • Biological therapy: it supports the body’s immune system to fight against the cancer cells. This therapy is also used to regulate the side-effects of cancer treatment.

Cancer treatment can be quite expensive. During the last decade, the cost has risen by 10 %. 

What is the cost of breast cancer surgery in India? 

The cost of the surgery depends on the stage of cancer:

 Stage- I→ 3 lakhs to 4.7 lakhs.

 Stage- II → 4.4 lakhs to 5.5 lakhs.

Stage- III → 5.6 lakhs to 6.8 lakhs.

Breast cancer treatment in Delhi NCR can cost around INR 5-6 lakhs. The treatment includes surgery, radiotherapy, and inspection. Six sessions of chemotherapy can cost up to INR 20 lakhs. Patients should be treated by the best breast cancer doctor in Delhi.

What is the most affordable cancer treatment?

Surgery is the cheapest option. It completely removes the cancer tissue, while chemotherapy and radiotherapy control reduces the growth of cancer cells. Successive chemotherapy sessions cost more than surgery. So, surgeries are preferred over chemotherapy. Chemotherapy sessions are recommended after surgery.

Low-cost breast cancer treatment in India. 

Chemotherapy is much relatively cheap in India. Surgery, radiotherapy, and the investigation are also less expensive.  

Should I consult a doctor before going for cancer treatment? 

Accurate information about breast cancer is necessary to decide the type of surgery. An ECMO gold medalist, Dr. Manish Singhal, a cancer specialist in Delhi, provides the best options for cancer patients. He is the best oncologist in Delhi because he views work as a passion rather than a profession. He believes that prolonged cancer treatment is not safe. It gets more challenging to deal with treatment at advanced stages due to life-threatening factors. 

Cancer Consult India (CCI) assists cancer patients to fight with high spirits and positivity. Dr. Manish Singhal, an oncologist in Noida, supports this initiative to conquer cancer with his expertise and motivating stories. CCI provides 24/7 availability, advanced technology, and modern solutions. Fight cancer under the best consultation and be victorious.  

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